Today I am baking some
super simple, super yummy fruit bars, these are made with everything from blue
berries and cream cheese, lemon, lemon curd, lemon poppy seed, peaches,
apricots, strawberries, raspberries, black berries, peanut butter and jelly,
peanut butter and bananas, chocolate and bananas, chocolate and marshmallow, you
name it, as for me I have been saving some nice mixed berry preserves from
Sweden called “Queens Blend” that I love and am quite sure will turn out great
in this recipe! As for the dough used for this, it’s basically sugar cookie dough
(though I have rolled the dough out first then let it sit a couple hours). If
you like nuts like I do you might try adding some to your dough as I have here
today. To create the top set some dough aside then simply add a little more
flour to suck up some of the moisture drying it out a bit, creating that crumbly
texture you will need. Keep in mind the more flour you add the more crumble
like it will become, add enough and you can even turn it into something of a
streusel. Alternatively you may
omit any extra flour and simply roll out the dough onto some plastic wrap and
fold that onto the preserves and continue on to the oven.
On a side note, I will
say I prefer baking these in sheet pans and normally do however today I didn’t…
Shopping List
Granulated or baker’s
Confectioners or
powdered sugar
Shaved almonds
Fruit preserves
My Mad Method
Start of by creaming
together 240g butter or margarine, and 3 dl sugar plus 1 TBSP brown or dark
brown sugar
Add 2 eggs, 1 at a
time mixing each one in well before adding the next
Add 1 TBSP lemon peal
Add 7.5 dl flour, 1 tsp
baking powder, and ¼ - ½ tsp salt, mix to combine but do not over work,
I have also added 2.5 dl lightly toasted slivered almonds
When the dough is
ready it should be slightly crumbly and not to smooth or fine
Using your hands or
rubber spatula cover the bottom of a baking pan with about 2/3rds of the dough
roughly 1-2 cm thick
Spread 300-400 g fruit
preserves over the dough leaving about 1 cm edge on all sides
Depending on how
crumbly you like it adjust the amount of flour add, I am only adding an extra
Crumble the remaining
dough over the preserves, bake for about 30-40 minutes in a 160c preheated
oven, or until lightly browned, when done cool on a wire wrack
For the glaze combine 2.5dl
confectioners or powdered sugar sifted, with 2.5 TBSP whole milk, mix to
combine. I have added about ¼
tsp vanilla been, optional
Ready to serve!!
Plated and ready to eat!!